Danielle brown, LPC
Danielle Brown is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She attended undergrad at University of Alabama at Birmingham with a major in Psychology and a minor in Biology.
She then obtained her Master's of Science in Psychology and Counseling from the University of West Alabama.
She is a therapist for a mental health facility in South Georgia where she focuses of working with children and adolescents.
Danielle specializes in the cognitive behavioral approach as well as person centered therapy to assist with diagnoses focused on trauma as well as other mental health disorders.
“I went into the mental health field because I believe in a holistic approach to mental health. I feel strongly about my work with children and adolescents because it is important to provide them with all the tools they need to be healthy adults both physically and mentally", Danielle explained.
She is married to James Brown and has 2 sons; Cameron and Justin. In spare time she enjoys running and reading.