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Ari Aragon
Oct 10, 20233 min read
What's the deal with World Mental Health Day?
Today is World Mental Health Day, which the World Health Organization says is celebrated: “as an opportunity for people and communities...

We Matter Too, Inc.
Jun 25, 20222 min read
Diversifying Mental Health Resources
We Matter Too Inc. to add mental health resources for marginalized communities.

Jan 20, 20226 min read
I'm Never Breaking Up With My Meds
Teresa Theophano I want to scream it from the rooftops: IT’S OKAY IF YOU CHOOSE TO TAKE MEDS. You always have the right to follow your...

Erikka Sawdey
Jul 13, 20213 min read
Intrusive, constant, and exhausting.
CW: OCD; Panic Attacks.............Your heart races. You’re shaking and sweating, but you’re freezing cold. You can’t breathe...

Curtis Shogren
Jul 4, 20213 min read
Living with Someone with Mental Disorders
Reflecting back over the past fourteen years of my relationship with Ashley, I have many fond memories of the good times, but I used to...

Jun 22, 20214 min read
Pride for Mental Wellness
As many of us know, June is Pride Month. For many, Pride represents joy, liberation, and love. It’s often seen as a time for celebration,...

Krista Odom
Jun 14, 20215 min read
Mental Health is a Human Right
TW: Abandonment...........When I moved to Ethiopia as a Peace Corps Volunteer, one of the first people to befriend me was Dinkinesh, or Dink

Chase Tiffany
Jun 8, 20214 min read
Throughout my life, reflection has been a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, we must reflect inwards on ourselves to better...

Kirk Bell
May 29, 20214 min read
Strength and Hope Over Adversity
Writing this blog post feels like one of the hardest things I have had to do and yet, what is so hard about writing out my story? That is...

Ashley Perkins
May 22, 20213 min read
The Importance of Language
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me” is quite possibly my least favorite saying because it's wrong. Words...
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